- What is the name of new sports car launched by Force India for the 2010 Formula One season?
- Who is the Chairman of Force India?
Vijay Mallya
- Which are the two variants of E class launched by Mercedez?
E250 V6 and E 250 CDI BE
- Which South Korean Steel Giant company has agreed to joint hands with SAIL to set up a company in India?
- For a smooth administrative functioning Reliance Industries may change its Headquarters from Mumbai to _____
- Who is the president of Toyota?
Akio Toyoda
- Who is the MD of Reebok India?
Subhinder Singh Prem
- Who is the CEO of Tata Consultancy Services?
N Chandrasekaran
- Who will be the new CEO of Motorola's handset and home businesses?
Sanjay Jha
- Who has been appointed by Telcordia Technologies India as its new head of research and development unit in India?
Anil Pandey
- What is the name of new category of non-banking finance companies introduced by Reserve Bank of India to boost funds flow to infrastructure sector?
Infrastructure finance companies